The back party has gotten jammed in the small room, where Holly, Sharper, Demifee, Taver and Mazonn (a non-level man-at-arms) are bottled up. Sven, at the bottom, is breaking open the chests to see what's in them.
The two zombies are basically just a distraction. There's a certain logic for their being here - the harpies are forever opening doors and now and then a zombie leaks in. They're not much of a threat to the harpies, who can just rush past them fast enough not to be attacked (and a harpy can generally make quick business of a zombie, if necessary). For the adventure's purpose, two zombies serve as both an opportunity for me to sap a few hit points and to keep the momentum going. A few x.p. for the characters doesn't hurt either, though with these higher level characters it doesn't mean much.
Rooms like these are easy to create - I already have a table and chairs, so I can make as many rooms as I need by just duplicating previously created items.

They can't quite see around the hallway's corner, so that has been left blacked out on the map.
Again, this represents the furthest these characters reached with this running. The players do seem to be happy, however, even with this slow movement. They have a lot of questions about what they're seeing - and yes, they are being cautious. It has taken a little more than three years of real time for Olie to reach 8th level as a thief. He definitely doesn't want to lose that, nor the henchmen he wouldn't be allowed to keep.
It's worth noting that not everyone chose to come after these zombies. The party has split again - and I'll deal with the rest of them on another post.
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