Monday, June 24, 2019

June Housekeeping

If I may, I'd like to draw the reader's attention to the sidebar, where I've added a list of links to the most recently completed pages on my wiki.  Going forward, I'll be updating this list as pages are added on the wiki, and cease to copy pages of the wiki here.  The double posting was causing extra work for me and my main point was to get the reader's interest going in the wiki.

It worked.  Page views have doubled there in the last four months, up to about 200 a day.  I think the point was made for some readers that if I wasn't posting here, I was likely posting there ... that's a trend that's bound to continue and just to be sure the reader doesn't miss anything, I'll keep the links updated.

Secondly, regarding my Patreon.

After much soul-searching and research, I'm going to have to bow to the will of the majority and start posting the names of my supporters.  I have the choice of keeping a permanent list on the sidebar or publishing the list of my supporters in a blog post monthly or bi-monthly.  If the reader has any opinions about this, now is the time.  I'm going to make up my mind about it with the 1st of July.

I don't want anyone to feel used, so please, PLEASE, email me at if you don't want me to post your name.  I don't want anyone killing their donation in order to protect their anonymity.  Above all, I consider your needs and your generosity more important than any decision I might make.

I do plan to provide a "special thanks" list apart from my other wonderful supporters, for those who frightening me with their donations, so please ~ if you're concerned about this ~ feel free to ask in private if you're on that list.

And of course, if anyone has anything to say in the comments about this that needs to be said now, such as a last ditch effort to change my mind or publically shame me, please take this last minute opportunity to say it.  'Course, I accept pats on my head and doggie treats too, if you have them.

Some of you will be glad to know that I got a taste of my own medicine over the weekend:  someone made me feel very stupid, and I would count it as completely lacking in empathy.  Held up a pretty harsh mirror to my face and I've been chewing it over since.  I know that the "feeling stupid" is my own fault, it's my own head fucking with me, and does not originate with the other fellow ... but it is a damn hard thing to shake.  Anyway, there's a little schaudenfreude for the peanut gallery.

I'm pleased about the weather pages on the wiki.  I plan more, but they're in a constructive phase.  I'm thinking of the next matter with players creating an estate and I'm considering rewriting some general history to reshape my world.

For those who may be interested in the online campaign, and who wonder if it is buried forever, I'm sorry: not until my book is finished.  It is progressing steadily.  I was up until 3 AM writing it last night, overcoming a rather delicate scene that I feel went well.  I can almost taste coming around to the last scene ... it is just over the hill.

That's good for now.  Going to work on some other stuff now; I'll keep an eye on the blog.


  1. If I may offer a suggestion, as you've done something similar in the past, what if your supporters have their own content that you could mention? My site is listed in your links (and I'm very grateful) but there might be someone with a YouTube channel or an Instagram page.

  2. I'd be pleased to highlight any of my supporters, if you'd like to pass along a link.

  3. I don't know if this kind of comment is permitted but I just wanted to introduce myself. Your content is definitely interesting, a lot of it makes me reflect not only on DM'ing but on life itself. I read your blog and trust it's worth my time because, in general, it doesn't feel like you're trying to lure me out of my skepticism - your content in general has helped me question current conventions all the more. While I'm not sold on your damnation of 5e, I also don't personally care much for it either way - it seems like pop-RPG material, which is good enough for people who want to just play a game and hang out. I don't agree with you personifying these people as idiots, but I also respect you have a particular passion for the game and dislike seeing people increasingly use the term RPG for something that seems a corruption of it to you. As always, times are changing, I wonder if I ever will reach a point in my life where I feel so compelled to gripe, maybe :P Either way, what you're building here has really stoked the passion I have for the potential I saw in RPGs. Just thought I'd get that out there, I hope I can become a more regular commenter here, although judging by your comment guideline post back in 2017, it seems likely you will delete it. If you don't, well, thanks. Take care!

  4. Given the subject material of the post, Cryoshakespeare, your message is on point.

    I strongly suggest that you never, ever, express any concern openly that your comment might be or likely will be deleted. You've got to put your chin into the punch and not pre-judge the reaction.

  5. It's interesting, to be honest. According to what I've seen said in your other blog posts, I'd probably be categorized as one of the idiots to you. And yet on the other hand, I have the sense to know that even if I am "an idiot", no matter how long it takes, I can educate myself and become smarter. In your view, does that classify me as an idiot, or just inexperienced? And indeed, if I am less naturally talented than you, or possess lower drive or mental cohesion, and I need more time to "get it", would your perspective be to leave me behind?

    It's a difficult question I can imagine, how an educated person can deal with determined dullards. And I still do question whether your ruthlessness will have you delete this comment. Maybe that endless questioning and never answering is why I'm still an idiot? I'm sure it's not hard to imagine I've been lauded for my questioning mind enough that I've grown lazy with the affirmation. Perhaps that is the difference between you and I - the tenacity to answer. Well, anyway, there's my next punch.

  6. It's not in the punch, Cryoshakespeare,

    It's in the chin.

    Watch the video to the end, and forget where you are or what capacity you have. The only question that matters is, do you want to be a marine or not?

  7. Hello Alexis, I wanted to put this on the Patreon page but it’s not letting me post.

    Hi Alexis. After too long of a delay I decided to register to Patreon for you (well, your writing). Can I ask when is the next round of invites? Also, thanks in advance for future content

    What is the best way to communicate with you for that kind of “support” (user support if you want)

  8. Hello Mic. I've sent your invitation forthwith.

    In the last month I've done some serious soul-searching; thus the step away from the public internet into a private space. After some discussions I've decided not to publish the names of my supporters; instead, the intimacy offered by the blog, The Higher Path, should let my supporters feel more comfortable in speaking directly to me, without the rest of the internet looking in.
