Saturday, June 22, 2024

Taiga Wilderness Random Generator Page Rules & Tables

As near as I can tell, I've completed this page, as part of the random outdoor generator I've been working on.  Added today are rules explaining how "agency" works, as well as an order provided for how the rules are resolved each day.  Anybody wants to weigh in, I'd certainly appreciate any suggestions for things that need clarification.

Sorry about the title, I just wanted it to be very, very, very clear what I'm talking about here.

Readers have every reason to doubt it.  No one has ever built a sustainable, relevant, game-friendly and useful outdoor generator before, so there's no reason to think I've done it.  However, I believe the agency rules are a staggeringly brilliant idea, I believe it makes the wilderness interactive for players, I believe that it provides terrific detail that can be built upon both for the taiga environment and for other environments, and I believe I've done the impossible in just under three weeks.

In any case, I'm in a position to run my two characters in the tutorial again, in which they try to find their way out of the wilderness.  Incidentally, I think this system works just fine for those trying to find their way into the wilderness, and gives rules for stumbling around in the dark looking for the dungeon that's wanted, rather than going straight to it as though the entrance is lit up by neon, even though the players have never, ever, actually been to that dungeon before.

Under these delusions, I'm of course quite happy and insufferably pleased with myself.  Please feel free to throw onions.

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