Thursday, November 10, 2022

Northern Hills, south of Kovesd

Since it's all me, one way or another, for a time I'm going to highlight posts on the mapmaking blog.  Here's today's.  Hope no one thinks I'm artificially increasing the number of posts I write.


  1. I don't recall - why did you decide to turn maps into their own blog instead of main Tao material?

  2. Well, first, when I get into a rhythm and work on maps every day, lots of the little details involved in mapmaking get lost and never discussed on the blog. As evident with this post. Secondly, when I'm working on a series of posts on the main blog, adding a map-based post feels like an unwanted interruption.

    Finally, there are people who really like maps, and there are those who just don't care. So this gives both kinds what they want.


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