Tuesday, November 8, 2022


Well, there's this.  A group of wits decided to do a 51 minute podcast about this blog.

And honestly, it's flattering.  We don't rise to this level of smarm without having achieved ... something.

Please support my patreon.


  1. If I were not already sold on the countless blessings of abortion, these enthusiastic fundraisers would have totally convinced me.

  2. Can't wait for their next installment about how Rembrandt is a waste of time because he studied his craft.

  3. I settled in for an hour listen after I'd cast my ballot in the midterms here "in the States." At the 3 minute mark I fwd'd to the 5 minute mark. Then I jumped to 10. Then I was done.

    And I rarely disagree with you Alexis but your assessment is in error. They aren't a group of wits. They're about half that.

  4. Ugh. Even if I 100% agreed with those folks in the video, there's no way I could listen to those incredibly obnoxious voices for almost an hour without shoving an icepick in my ear. And honestly, anyone on YouTube who turns off comments is automatically suspect to me. If you can't take criticism, don't put your content out there.

  5. Okay. So I had a chance to listen to the "show" in its entirety (I was out running errands and I'm a masochist. Also I listened to it on a higher speed).

    Certainly nothing to applaud, nor (in my opinion) get worked up about. Idiots taking turns reading blog posts in funny voices while those awaiting their turn heckle in the background. The most amusing bit was the ten minutes of silence in the middle of the podcast when their gear crapped out. They then apologized and went right back to where they'd been when the sound got dumped.

    To sum up: amateur hour. By folks who aren't creative enough to craft their own content. But I see the video has...um...four "likes?" So...they're popular?

    Apologies, Alexis...I was going to write something about there bening no such thing as "bad publicity." But this is BAD "bad publicity"...I'm not sure how much attention it will actually bring to your blog.

  6. 270 views? 4 likes? And yet, somehow, they're raising $12,500? I have no idea why I didn't experience a spike in my page views three weeks ago. Not with super-popular comedy gold like this.

    Strangely, I ego-surfed to find this ... because I *am* experiencing an unexplained surge in my page views, which I'm sure at this point is a number of bots feeding off each of my posts. I had 5,640 page views, beginning last night about 8 p.m. That's 6 a.m. Moscow time.


  7. Ha! That's amazing. And weird (all of it).

    Personally, I've got no answer for you.

  8. I'm sorry to hear that the student shot at Ingraham High School, in Seattle, has died in hospital. I'm quite sure that's somewhere near you, JB.

  9. Very much. It’s a block away from my old house. My children have had soccer practice there many times. And several graduates from my children’s elementary school (including multiple siblings of my son’s classmates) attend.

    “Fortunately” this was not a psychopath perpetrating a mass shooting. Just student on student crime, perhaps a drug deal gone bad or a tiff over…who knows what. Teenage hormones. Sadly, one of the kids had a handgun and used it. The end result is tragic for everyone: the victim, the perpetrator, the parents, the students, the community. It’s shitty and it sucks.

    The easy access to firearms is one of the worst things about my country (though there are plenty of other issues). As I watch another election go down, marveling that perhaps people aren’t as foolish as the GOP hopes/expects our citizens to be, I hope and pray for change and sanity in the future. Some day, perhaps, enough will be enough and young lives will be spared early deaths, debilitating injuries, or decades of incarceration and trauma.

    Some day.

  10. I was expecting discussion and analysis, not Beavis and Butthead, and so I found your old posts that they were reading and followed along through their artless readings expecting to hear something other than what I did by the end of it.

    If I was ever tempted to listen to a podcast or watch a vlog about anything, and so far I haven't been, these time-wasting fuckwits have immunized me against any future temptation.

  11. Sterling,

    Isn't it interesting that of 3,400 posts on the blog, they zeroed in on the sex post right off?

  12. Yes, they were clearly hoping for the most salacious-sounding material going to 10-year-old posts after hitting the search terms "sex," "breast-feeding," and "slavery."

  13. I found it hilarious that they were the same shaming awkward people the post was talking about. I suspect the donations were from it being some sort of Livestream that for some reason they ported to YouTube.


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