Monday, September 5, 2022

Background Preview pp. 10-20

For those patreon supporters who already give me $10 a month, I'm going to grant an 11-page preview of the book so far ... at no extra cost to those persons.  You know who you are.  At present, I don't want to futz around with the post-permission features on Patreon, because frankly they're an enormous pain in the ass.  In any case, IF you're a $10 donator to my Patreon, or if you've been supporting me for a year at any amount, then please send me a message on the patreon website or an email at, and I'll email you a copy of those pages having to do with determining a character's skin tone, eye and hair colour, with insight as to how the book's pages are more or less going to look.

I'm up to 29 pages so far, so the work is going well.  There are aspects materialising that are going to make the book's progress much slower, but I feel confident that it should top 200 pages before it's finished.  The preview I'm offering has been edited some, but I see there are a few space issues (where art is going is still floating around) ... so the reader should be aware that this is a work in progress, and nothing like a final draft.  Looks pretty good, though, if I say so myself.

I'm putting this out as a call out to those wonderful people who have supported me these many years.  Come get a taste of what you're owed and remember that I am always grateful for what you've done.


  1. Thank you. Trying hard to maintain the same approximate look as the original books.

  2. Wow, it looks amazing! Can't wait to see more!

  3. The presentation is clean, doesn't waste space, and the greying of 2 lines at the same time instead of one is surprisingly easy on the eye.

    Imperial units, meh.

    At first I thought it should have been Ethnic background instead of Cultural, but at the time it's pretty much the same, so I'm good with that.

    You put forward your own point of view at times, for example when speaking of skin tones. I prefer a purely descriptive text, but some subjects may be sensitive and I like what you wrote about it, so I'm good.

    So, presentation is great, content even more so. Can't wait to see more !

  4. Unfortunately, to introduce the subject of skin tone at all is to court disaster. The safest route would be to utterly ignore it and not include the possibility at all - but that seems also the weakest, most cowardly route. My perspective is that pure discriptive text is, in this age, tantamount to confirming the worst accusations someone can conjure against you. I prefer an open, honest, explanatory post, indicating that YES, I was aware of the possible contraversy. I was not blind to the issue ... which I would surely be accused of having if I'd said nothing personal.

    Even so, I'm sure I mis-stepped somewhere. There's always someone hunting for any pretext on which to scream, as such serves as a tool to raise money to fight for "fairness" and respect. It's all about the grift.

    As regards imperial units, remind me. You're French, so you ought to know. When was the metric system invented?

  5. I'm not up to date with the controversial mind of our age, but it indeed seems plausible that you'd be attacked by some. Better safe than sorry, and if it gets me skin color in the book I'm all for it ^^ .

    Ah, but I'm aware that the measurement systems of the times were a clusterfuck. However, it wasn't the Imperial system either, and even so in France we have no familiarity whatsoever with it.
    So as I must be able to transmit clear information to my players, I loath the use of the Imperial system. Pure practical reason.


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