Friday, February 7, 2025

This Week's Wiki

For those not following me on Patreon, this is a list of adjusted or rewritten Authentic Wiki content compatible with 1st edition D&D, or merely of interest, updated in the last week. This will be adjusted throughout today, as new pages are created.


  1. I find elements of your rules to be inefficient, and I despise inefficiency
    As I said before, the game you run *is* engaging, so *this does not matter.*

    I find elements of your rules to be inconsistent, and I despise inconstancy
    The game you run *is* fun, so *this* does not matter.

    (I say this all genuinely.)

    And so, what boggles my mind is that: It is not for a lack of time, nor a lack of effort, yet these aspects still remain.

    Finally, I should say that the only reason I *find* any of this, is because I find it interesting. When a piece does not fit in a puzzle I am fascinated by that piece, and I begin to wonder: how and why does it not fit?
    "The puzzle was all designed intentionally, so why is this piece so different?"

    They say curiosity killed the cat, and my cat has, proverbially, been run over by a semi-truck, thanks to that curiosity.

  2. Sell it somewhere else, James. Your vague unhappiness is not my responsibility.
