Saturday, April 29, 2023


I'd like to take a moment and give a public shout-out to Maxwell, one of my long-time patreon supporters and online friends.  For months now, Maxwell has been diligently giving attention to the Authentic Wiki, correcting spelling mistakes, adding links and generally shaping the pages up to be more attractive.  If any one here has used the wiki in the last six months extensively, you owe some of your appreciation to Maxwell's work.

Thank you, Max.  You've been terrific.


  1. How delightful to be surprised on my Saturday morning with a post like this!

    Thanks, Alexis. It's been a pleasure to help refine the wiki. Full steam ahead.

  2. I'm a regular visitor over there .... noticed regular changes these last few months with a REAL spate of fixes this weekend. For all you do Maxwell, thank you.

  3. Kudos to both of you, Alexis and Maxwell, for everything you've been doing, you deserve it. Question -- if I were to see something on the Authentic Wiki that possibly needs correction, spelling, grammatical stuff, little things like that, where should I say something about it? Or should I just skip it as being minor things that will ultimately get caught in a final sweep?


  4. Croaker,

    1. Send it to my email,, and I'll fix it at the first opportunity.

    2. Leave it as a comment on this post, as I'm sure Maxwell is subscribed, as I am. Then one of us will fix it.

    3. If Maxwell wants to supply his email, then that's a third option; but please don't feel the need to do so. Comments here are just as effective, as they'll wind up in your email box anyway.

  5. Thanks Croaker and Escritoire!

    Alexis, do I understand you correctly that there's a way to subscribe by email and receive notice of all new comments at the Tao? If so, please tell me how to sign up for that.

    I'll also check the "email followup comments" option for this post in particular, so we can use it as the Bat-signal for wiki corrections.

  6. Not at all! "Email followup" works for *one* post -- and only if I've already commented -- and only if I remembered to tick the box. Would be useful to receive a notification of comments on *any* post; then people could leave notes about the wiki wherever.

    I know you don't want to re-enable your RSS feed for the posts themselves, but there may be a way to enable an RSS feed just for new comments. I daresay I've seen that on other Blogger setups before.

  7. Ah, what the hell, my email is public anyway, and linked to this account to boot. Anyone with wiki quibbles can ping me at .
