Friday, December 30, 2022

Proposal to Make Maps

In light of today's earlier post, I have a puzzlement.  Some here are familiar with my attempt a couple years ago to apply myself to writing adventures on another blog, "Authentic Adventures," that sat behind a $10 patreon tier.  The motivation to add to the blog refuses to materialise ... so I intend to remove the tier from my patreon before it can mislead others who are hoping I'll continue to write there.  Sorry.  I just cannot get into the traditional production of a "module"-like adventure, no matter how non-module it might present.

The blog isn't going anywhere.  Someday, who knows?  Maybe I'll be hit with a building girder or a really big fish, changing my whole outlook on life.  In the meantime ...

I have an empty tier on patreon without anything in it.  I've wondered what to do with it.  It occurs that the mapmaking has been progressing apace, and that several readers have expressed a direct personal material with the content being presented.  The reader's request, for example, for me to create a map of said area south of Kyiv.

I could make an easy offer of one map section per month per person offering a set donation on my patreon.  This offer would be good for any part of the world that's rendered in 20-mile hexes on this map:

The map is a bit out of date.  I can also manage all of the British Isles and Iceland also.  I can do any part of the world above as easily as the maps I'm making now.

I'm not ready to do places not on this map, though perhaps some kind of negotiation could be arranged for the future.  In any case, a regular contributor could keep adding to an earlier map, expanding and expanding it into a large enough region to run in.

One thing.  I have a fair number of $10 donators, most of whom contribute without anything special in return.  Providing for all these is a good-sized ask ... but doable, given the amount of mapping I've been doing on the map-blog these last two months.  Mostly, it would interrupt the thread of work I've chosen for myself.  I don't believe it would be more work, depending on how many took advantage of the offer.

I do worry about getting more patreon contributors along these lines, however.  I have to think hard before deciding to go ahead.  Asking for a $15 donation instead of $10 is worth considering.

But this post is market research.  Seriously, if this sounds like something you'd want to advantage, you'd better speak up now, before it's too late.  I'm honestly happy to map anywhere, so the change in world-focus shouldn't worry you.  If you've been watching me map the Ukraine and you're not that interested in my mapping Bulgaria and Serbia, which will come next for more than a month, say something.  Make an argument for why it should be $10 and not $15; or make an argument why it should definitely be $15.

And please, raise your hand if you'd use this opportunity to get work done.  My best way of making a decision on this is to know in advance how much commitment I'd be accepting.

I'm listening.


  1. I would love to see the British Isles completed.

  2. They are, in 20-mile hexes:

    If you mean in 6-mile hexes, that's great James. But how much would you contribute to that endeavour? Speak, brother.

  3. as new subscriber i must admit - i feel like children in candy shop - so many wonders around.

    and as personal opinion - benefit of smallest tier of patreon for me was more useful then adventures from 10$ tier.

  4. The $10 tier is unpublished at present.

  5. Just because i can - maybe it will be useful - Genichesk has a salt lakes used to get salt.
    from ukrainian magazine which describes different points of ukraine i grab some photo -

  6. I grab some photos of Genichesk locations -

  7. Your recent work on the wiki, fleshing out facilities, hex types, hammer, coin, etc. has been hugely valuable to me. I enjoy leveraging your work in those areas to make my own maps.

  8. I agree with Sterling that the wiki content has been super valuable for planning next campaign. That being said, I really like this idea.

    I'd really like to see Minnesota and the Mississippi river basin mapped, as that's relevant to my interests.

    For the $10 versus $15 question, $10 could be a request from the map above, and $15 could be a map of anyhere. I don't have any experience with setting up Patreon tiers, though.

  9. Discord,

    I've considered this. It's much more work for an area not on the map; remember, that prep work's already been done. Mapping Minnesota, even one small section at a time, is technically TWICE as much work as any part on the existing 20-mile map.

    As well, I have ideas for those parts of the world that don't involve the use of American names ... so I don't know how recognisable they'd be for the asker. My conception for Minnesota would be something like a mixture of American natives and more-advanced norkers. The remaining Mississippi valley would be varying groups of human native peoples, elves and salamander humanoids. The terrain would be the same, but is this what you see?


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