Thursday, October 6, 2022

The Death of the Splatbook

I shouldn't cackle, but the gifts just keep coming.

In Montreal, on the Rue St. Hubert, I had so-so luck with three D&D related shops within a block of one another ... although, to be honest, although there were role-playing products, and tables to play on, two of these were deeply involved in M the G far more than table-top RPGs.  Still, out of interest and market research, I spoke with the clerks in each.  Of course, there were no managers present.  Both spoke English adroitly and neither had any real knowledge of 5th Edition at all.  Pathfinder and 3rd were the preferred systems.  Moreover, neither had one clue about OneD&D ... they'd heard nothing about the company's announcement and didn't care, because both store clerks (and three customers) did not care what online said about role-playing.  For those interested, the stores were L'Expedition and Carta Magica.

This does much to restore my faith about things.  It was the sentiment I heard in the mid-20teens, and I'm glad to discover there's evidence that nothing has changed there.  These were game stores, in apparently game store central, whose business model did not include what people online said or thought.  What does that say?

I barely spoke to the third store; it was a cosplay design store and very nice, and I must admit I'm beginning to regret not purchasing this monk robe they had, while I had it in hand.  I've been thinking of something I ought to wear when starting my adventures in game cons again (I'm in negotiations for a space in Vancouver in Feb 2023, but I'm having trouble getting the company to respond) ... and a monk or peasant robe would be suitable for a writer, I think.  I'll finish this post by putting up some pictures I took, plus a link to the website.

In other extraordinary news ... I already mentioned the decision by D&D's company to revert it's proposals for 1s and 20s and how this promises the beginning of a lot of grab-ass revisionment on the company's part.  Today's hilarity includes this headline about the company's proposed "Netflix-style" model ... which is a profound association, given that Netflix tanking just now, as other services steal away it's content.  Netflix is planning on adding commercials to their paid-for content.  Does that sound like a company you'd want your new business model associated with?

Chris Perkins wants us to know that OneD&D is "in" ... and thus my cackling, given the response I've gotten from my readers of late and those of the brief investigations I did in Montreal.  "In" clearly means "in trouble," though I doubt Perkins knows it.  The article fails to address the obvious choice of the company to impose a velvet rope on its website, though naturally that's not how it's being sold.  But then, you're not supposed to see the truth behind the lie.

Clearly, Tasha's stuffed book of nothing did not sell well, leaving the company with huge stockpiles of unsold books ... convincing the company that they had to get out of the publishing business and into the "netflix" business.  So, instead of buying a book full of useless shit, soon you'll be able to pay the company every month forever for the same useless shit ... because it doesn't occur to the company that maybe the reason Tasha didn't sell was because it merely provided the same dreck the company's been providing for years.  But no more of that!  Splatbooks are sooooo 2021.

What's also not mentioned in the article is the collection of writers, editors, copyreaders and other associated publishing staff being fired from their jobs to save the company money.  They're not needed ... and is that not better for the subscriber?  You bet it is!

I'm stunned that as late as this, the company thinks that their online presence is so depended upon that by choosing to monetise D&D this way, it will automatically succeed.  I see the faces of those clerks in Montreal and again, a cackle rises up through me.  This is going to be such a bad idea.

Which is good for me.  I did my own experiment with a velvet rope years ago, moving some of my content to another blog and continuing to write here ... and I got hurt in page views and credibility.  I watch others try the same thing and watch the same disaster play out.  Truth is, making people pay for something unseen is a tricky process.  They've got to be convinced there's something there; I don't believe there's a mainstream of enough people who believe that anything good produced by the company behind a rope won't be made available for pirating in a month or two.  There's no sense to paying up front.

As someone chipping away at a splatbook presently, one that is NOT just a rehash of other existing splatbooks, I appreciate the company clearing the road for me.  Less competition is the most I can ask for.  Thank you, Chris-fucking-Perkins.  It's the first time I've ever had reason to appreciate something you've done.

Speaking of people stepping forward to make better products than the company, I give you the Boutique Medievale Dracolite.  I asked the owner if I could take these pictures and he assented:

The two robes I had considered were the ones at the front on the left and the light brown on the end at the right.

Mouthwatering stuff to be sure.  I'd taken my menu to Montreal but I didn't have it on me when visiting this shop, and it had taken me $30 in a cab one-way to reach the place.  So I wasn't ready to rush back to the hotel and spend another $60 doing a second round trip.  But I think the menu would have fit very well into their stock.  Maybe if I find myself planning a trip again, I'll drop in and see if a deal can be made.

There is a lot of money to be made in D&D.  Pity the company is too stupid to realise how.


  1. that red and white robe is quite eye-catching -- you'd have looked good in it!

  2. It has been a rather long time since I was in Montreal, and now I live on the opposite side of the continent. But, if I ever get back there I will make it a point to visit that shop! It looks like I could browse for a couple hours and not be the least bit bored.

  3. I know you've noticed and mentioned it already, but the issue remains : your blog still does not appear in other people's blogroll. For example at Tenkar's you're stuck at the end of the list with no post title except "-". Surely there must be an easy fix for that ?

  4. ViP,

    Last week I had a long-time reader and patreon contributor who had gotten very comfortable using the RSS feed to read my blog. Apparently, when the feed stopped working, he began to wonder why I'd ceased posting. As it happened, it took him THREE AND A HALF MONTHS to actually check my blog and discover that I'd been posting all the while.

    I have to tell you, I find that odd. Here's a fellow actually supporting me, who's been following me for 9 years, who sees that I've "vanished" ... and still, doesn't check to find out if I'm all right; doesn't even go to the blog and see it with his own eyes.

    So, he sends me an email, points out the RSS feed isn't working, describes this as he preferred way to get notified of my blog's existence ... and I link the post about RSS, which explains why I shouldn't fix the problem. I also add - and this is true - that my book sales have been up the last two months, by 50%. It's been a startling jump. I can only assume that because people have to actually come to my blog, they're seeing the links to my books next to my text ... which is a benefit I don't get from an RSS feed.

    The response? He pulled his $3 support without explanation, the next day. Hm.

    Let's see ... a couple hundred dollars in book sales, vs. $3 a month in patreon. Makes me feel awful.

    Thing is, ViP, RSS feeds are well-named, because they're essentially vampiric arrangements which suck my content and ultimately my financials to support a website that CONTRIBUTES NOTHING to either me or my agenda. As far as other blogs go, Tenkar doesn't give a fuck about me. He doesn't write about me, he doesn't comment on this blog, as far as I know he doesn't read me and he certainly, by what he does put on his blog, doesn't concur with my point of view on D&D. Moreover, in the days when I had an RSS feed, I received an average of 0-3 page views through his blog. Why Tenkar links me is up to Tenkar; but he's never been here to comment on my disappearance, he's never asked me to be a guest on his awful podcast and on the whole, I don't care about what his link on his blog can do for me.

    I post about 1 in every 1.5 days, all year long. Anyone who has read me knows this. Often, I post so often, and write so much when I post, that it can take a lot out of a reader's day to catch up. If they want to. I write content that NO ONE else writes. On any level. And I will take the time to write hundreds of words to a reader to explain exactly my point of view and why I have it.

    If a reader just can't get themselves to remember I exist, and punch a button taking them to my blog, then I just don't care about that reader. That reader is a tourist. I don't need tourists. I need believers. And a believer will bookmark my page and every couple of weeks will think, "Oh, yeah. Haven't seen Alexis' page for a while. I bet there's a ton of shit there to read while I'm sitting here at this boring job."

    Are you a believer, ViP?

  5. Ah, RSS. Used it a look via Feedly when I followed a shitload of blogs to sustain my mind at work. Still went to each site cause of the vampiric nature of the thing, but it had its uses.

    Then I had less and less time, and got too much of a backlog. Guess which one survived in my mind ...

    Sadly the phone version of the site lacks the sides, so that I cannot see your links. But I know they're there and I sometimes put my phone browser to PC mode to check and get somewhere interesting ^^.

    Glad to read your travel have been good, I was worried by the lack of posts for a time until I remember that you planned a trip there -_- .

    Be well, Alexis.

  6. Alexis, as I grow older it is becoming harder to formulate adequately what I really believe in. But I know I have only 3 bookmarked OSR sites on my new work computer, and yours in one of them.


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