Thursday, March 26, 2020

Sage Today #1: camouflage

Camouflage describes the application of coloration, clothing and carefully chosen materials to make the character either hard to see (crypsis) or by disguising them as something else (mimesis). With the ability, character gains knowledge on how to mix paints, apply dye to clothing, and add materials to their body such as mud, vegetable material, animal skins and even the addition of natural odours to mask the smell of the character's body, in order to better approach or remain unseen at a given distance, as defined by the stealth ability.

Stealth dictates that the character, depending on the amount of illumination, equipment carried, appearance and other factors, will or will not be noticed at a certain distance, measured in combat hexes. The application of camouflage beforehand improves this distance by 2 hexes in favour of the skilled character. This means that if the character rolls and discovers they will be noticed at a distance of 6 hexes, the camouflage ability would enable that same character to remain at 6 hexes indefinitely (until circumstances were changed). Though a small adjustment, it is enough to give the character a meaningful advantage under the right circumstances.

Camouflage does not only apply at night. During the day, the character is equally able to adjust their appearance so as to appear to be unworthy of attention or so similar in appearance to others on the street that they blend in – even among the crowd they are using to conceal their presence. The ability assumes the character has studied the habits and characteristics of numerous types: wealthy, poor, pious, humble, boasting, boisterous, etcetera ... so that once the character has assumed the proper clothing, the character is also able to assume the stance, tone of voice, mannerisms and general demeanour of a person of that type. The character does not cease to look like his or her self; but dressed as a beggar, the character seems a beggar; and dressed as a courtier, lawyer, soldier or prostitute, the character "looks" the part. All of this allows the character to move 2 hexes closer to a would-be target ... and allows the character to escape more easily, for once they have moved past the threshold that their stealth check allows (assuming that at some point they have escaped the direct attention of a pursuer) they can once again blend into a crowd and evade pursuers.

The character must purchase dyes and paints, clothing and articles designed to support a desired charade, or spend a plausible amount of time gathering materials, shaping them and applying them to his or her person. This cannot be done hastily, except in matters like the application of black out material to the face at night. The DM must use good judgement, be flexible and accept that the character does have the knowledge necessary to mix various materials together to produce the effect desired.

See Concealment

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