Friday, October 2, 2015


Well, this didn't take long.  Largely because there is so little historical information about Burma online (due to it being run by a fanatical, murderous, highly ignored by the West government that may be supported by the C.I.A. to enable them to obtain large quantity drugs they can sell in the U.S. in order to support their actions without needing to go to Congress - or so I've been told).

Enjoyed this.  Not sure what part of the world to do next.  I may, for fun, work on the source of the Nile.  No good reason, but what the hell.

The wiki has information for the Map Key. Updated sheet maps on the wiki can be found here:

F 12 - Namkin
G 14 - Irrawaddy
G 15 - Laos
H 16 - Andaman Sea
H 17 - Gulf of Siam



  1. I'm sure you mentioned this elsewhere, but could you please tell me again two things?
    - What's the map scale?
    - Why did you choose to orient your hexes that way? I usually see hexmaps with N, NE, SE, S, SW, NW orientation, but you use NE, E, SE, SW, W, NW.

  2. The map scale is 20 miles per hex.

    The orientation is due to Burma being part of a single map-hex projection with the North Pole dead center. The "northeast" orientation is due to the 60 degree bends that such a projection creates. You can get a good sense of it from the map on this post.

  3. Hey, greetings from the PRC. Obtained a temporary uncensored web connection to post here.

    It's amazing to me that you were doing preliminary work on September 17th and by October 2nd you're done with this area. Boom, finished ... or maybe more like grind grind grind grind, finished. That's what happens, I suppose, when one has had years and years of map-making practice.

    Great work as always. Got me to look up Burma (now Myanmar) and learn a little bit about the world. I notice it's neighbor to China... I have some thoughts brewing, on the topic of China and mapmaking, and using Chinese sources.
