Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I have no words.


  1. Are you starting a new play-by-post? I want to play a sockeye!

  2. So BC Fisheries Games has done what your detractors could not? LOL!

    Did you just find pics of those covers, or do you have the games?

  3. The covers - and games - are fake. The idea arose out of a D&D session a couple of weeks ago, which had all of us rolling around laughing our guts out. I proposed designing a game cover, and that ultimately became two game covers.

    I wrote the copy last night in my head before I fell asleep, then did the design this morning.

  4. Too bad! There are a lot of little rpgs out there that don't sound half as interesting as Salmon!

  5. A life-quest ... an epic journey ... grave dangers and tremendous obstacles ... the loss of life-long friends along the way ... and at the conclusion, the heroes die but their sacrifice affirms life and ensures the survival of their world. Sadly, it's all a bit of a railroad.

  6. Yes, with the tracks replaced by banks.

  7. In a game that doesn't posit flight, we don't consider ground-based adventures railroading (unless there is other railroading going on, of course!)... Nor would our salmon consider the banks to be like tracks (if they could even conceive of tracks). The princess is upstream. Sure we can swim downstream, but we'll never get the girl, or the treasure... Do we return to our own spawning ground, or do we take that other small branch in the river, leading to other spawning grounds? Do we lunge at the fly, or avoid it; avoid the net or hit the shallows and maybe get caught; swim far wide of the bear, or try to dart past it so as to beat the competition? So much excitement and so many choices to make! Just as with any other RPG you might have a referee who railroads you, but the game itself does not!

    Yeah, I want to play now.

  8. Yeah, no words.

    Oddly enough for this post the second authentication word is 'bear'.
