Sunday, February 22, 2009

Small Successes

Well, despite the in-fighting that marred the after division of treasure, that went on for two and a half hours and left most of those who played in a fitful state of repressed discontent, at least one thing went right last night.

I threw an 8 HD, 210 hp polar worm (built according to my system) at the party and it survived for 14 rounds before going down.

Except for the fact that I was phenomenally unlucky (twice, on 6d6, I rolled damage that included 4 "1"s), and that I did not get to roll a 20 and permanently kill a member of the party, the fear level was everything I could hope for and the usual "swarming" the giant monster was held at a minimum. Twas fun.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear your new mass-driven hit point system is working for you. Did you take away any notes from the session on tweaking it further?

    Your online game looks exciting, too!


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