Wednesday, February 8, 2023

On Swine

On swine, from the proposed Streetvendor's Guide:

Pigs are used to locate truffles, of which the animal is tremendously fond. Nose rings discourage rooting and eating of the truffle before the swineherd can obtain it first. Swine found to be notoriously good at locating truffles are exempt from the axe; such animals are never sold, since they’re able to make a fortune for their owners.

Truffle ... 2½ g.p. per ounce.
Edible fungus appearing as a rough, tuberous lump, found growing among the roots of certain trees. Unimaginably prized, thought to be magical in origin, a one-ounce example is slightly smaller than a hen’s egg. Their deep aroma produces a musky, pungent prelude, coupled with a complexity of taste that is unequalled, at once oaky, nutty and sweet, with enormous richness. Indescribable.


  1. You know I've always seen references to truffles in books(novels and history texts) and knew that pigs rooted for truffles, but no one ever explained what they were. So thus is nice

  2. I think you'll find the Streetvendor's Guide in general answers these kind of questions.


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