Monday, January 2, 2023


I'm back at work tomorrow, which should seriously cut into my free time.  I was able to play 47 hours of the truck game amongst other activities, but I'm ready to put that down for a time.  Individuals should take advantage of my offer yesterday if they're so inclined.

I'll try to continue to put out content, but depending on my workload the wiki's development may slow down.  Pushing the boundary of what can be considered a "facility," I offer the following:

Sorry about the dead links on the page; it's simply impossible to write anything about D&D without seeing something else that needs to be written about.  At least the wiki keeps track of content that I someday want to address.

With the completion of the shrine, I'm able to write two more types of hamlet and to write the full "type-6 hex" page, at least where facilities are involved.  There are a few political aspects left to design.  Everything that might appear in a type-6 hex is now accounted for.  The hammer page certainly looks better, with a live links proliferating the upper left corner.

It's painstaking, difficult work, but I'm glad to do it.  I'm as impressed as anyone, as this is a concept I've been trying to invent for at least thirty years, without the least idea of other to do it.  When I started playing around with hammers and coins in 2012, I simply could not make my brain interpret how the hammer would be employed.  Certainly the way it is in Civ couldn't work, as D&D doesn't take place over time.  Now that I have a frame to work inside, however, I'm stunned at the simplicity of concept it represents.

Still, there are many details.  It couldn't be done without a wiki to keep track of each part ... and even at that, I'm wallowing a bit to keep it under control.  I think clearly I'm going to have to break up the hamlet page into composite parts, as there are six types of hamlet, not four, with each getting more complex as I go along.  So the hamlet page needs a redesign, making it into an index page instead of a list.  That's on today's roster.

Once upon a time I was regularly rebuked for not producing hard material on the blog, this being something I'm good at.  It's honestly a matter of feeling.  I like to believe I have moved on from the need to rant and tear into other people.  The benefit of rescinding that habit is evident to anyone.  Still, like anyone, I get mad at stuff.  I don't like the things being done with the game.  I don't like the rhetoric that's being dumped on young kids.  I don't want D&D changed so that it's no longer familiar to others who have no memory of the original game.  I call my wiki "authentic" and depict a dead victim with a sword in its back because for me, D&D is about killing and taking treasure.  It's not just about that, however, and never was.  Wanting to get on a soapbox and rail my distaste and assert my ire are emotional reactions that I believe every person has, including those high and mighty persons who used to condemn me for doing it.

But even I hope those days are gone.  This blog has changed, and rather abruptly.  Much of it's "writing" has been moved over to the wiki, so that what I'm doing here is cutting and pasting content to remind the reader the wiki exists.  This seems best for the time being.  I'm utterly burned out on explaining things.  Hopefully, by doing things, I offer a more practical approach through teaching by example.

We'll see if that works.


  1. Personally I find its more rewarding to do than to explain. Not surprised you feel the same way.

  2. What you're doing is working wonderfully for me!

  3. I am also very happy with this direction. The work on the wiki is both inspiring and useful.

  4. loving the Wiki work. Kicked my pledge up to $10


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