Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Absent Management of Racism

Arguments about racism in fiction and fantasy, and RPGs, say far, far more about the complainant than they say about racism.  Part of the irreconciability with the present society is that while everyone rightfully deserves compensation, they deserve an abolition of racist instincts all the more.  Receiving neither, a substantial portion of the population feels that to get compensation, they must nitpick every moment of racism they are able to find, as though by endlessly pointing a finger and defining something as [accurately] racist, this will somehow be used by the listener to end racism.

This is not how attitudes are changed.

Try it.  Convince your partner that they need to do the dishes more often by highlighting every moment that a dish is set down.  In fact, mention doing the dishes the moment they reach for a glass in the cupboard.  Don't even wait until they've actually touched the glass.  See where that gets you.

The approach people take to racism doesn't make sense.  The approach itself is an act of desperation; and reaching for the depiction of orcs and goblins as objects of racism, doubly so.  Until we sit down as a thinking, biological species and commit ourselves to sense, rather than sensibility, I don't think this world has any chance of stopping racism.

First, maybe we should discuss what would actually work.  As opposed to pretending that sunlight is a disinfectant.

Because it isn't.

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