Saturday, February 29, 2020

Don't Look if You Have a Weak Stomach

I apologize for this.  But if you feel somewhat queasy at the sight of my finger, let me first say that I've been experiencing this personally for two weeks today.

This is the index finger on my left hand, which has turned septic.  I am on medication and I have full access to medical assistance; but I have been told this must run its course.  I feel that I've turned a corner, at least, as this looks better than it did five days ago.  Slightly.

These images show my finger after two hours of letting it drain.  It is all clean lymph and plasma.  No pus.

In any case, this is the reason I haven't worked much on the new wiki.  My apologies for showing the images.  I guess I feel I need some comaraderie.


  1. Oof, hang in there. Had something akin to that happen to my forearm when I was younger. I'd say someday you'll look back on this and laugh, except you probably won't...but it'll heal.

  2. Please tell us you're not going to lose it . . .

  3. All expectations are that it will heal. The finger has built an inner layer of new skin, like the skin under a blister; my body steadily pumps lymph between the new skin layer and the visible outer skin layer. This outer layer is rubbery to the touch and is dead skin. At some point my body will be ready to shed the dead skin and I'll have a fresh new sensitive finger.

  4. Glad you're haealing but man oh man, you have rotten luck.

  5. Ouchie. Still, not the worst I've seen. You have skin covering tissue and bone, and the nail still looks good. It will be freak-tastic once your finger has sufficient integrity to slough off the dead layers.

    Sorry to see it, I'm sure it doesn't tickle.

  6. I truly appreciate that, Baron. I remember your profession. The pain by this point is mostly just tiresome, as this is day 16.


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