Friday, March 15, 2019

Just Do It Well


noisms has written another post today, in which he says, after agreeing with me that the videos about worldbuilding are crap:
"But the takeaway message from this is not that there just needs to be better such advice. It's that the entire exercise is fundamentally flawed, being based on a misunderstanding of how to 'teach' worldbuilding."

So yeah ... there's that.

Also, the fellow quoted in the last post decided to proclaim on noisms' post about how seriously he takes any of this, to which noism replied with some spectacularly sage advice.

So there's that.

noisms thinks he's so ... so ... wait, I can't put my finger on it ...

You know that transference theory where you describe other people unresolved things from your past?

I think I'm noism's Dad.

Anyway, food for thought.  Was doing a little reading on the subject of contempt the other day and came across this:
Contempt can be useful to being a functioning member of the moral community. An ethics of contempt provides a much larger breadth of answers than other competing systems of ethics, whether they be based on ethics of actions (judging actions by their rightness or wrongness) or ethics of feelings (e.g., ethics of resentment). By feeling contempt for those things which are found to be unethical, immoral, or morally unsavory, one can both show that they are bad and remove them from the moral community.

Fundamentally, when I write what I write about noisms, I'm doing my best to clean up the moral gaming community as I see it.

And when noisms writes what he writes about me, he's doing the same.

The only difference is, noisms says,  "You should just do what works for you and your group."

That is, unless you're Alexis.

noisms also says, "I increasingly look on prescriptiveness as one of the worst of all evils."

That is, unless I'm prescribing behaviour about Alexis.

noisms is a hypocrite.


  1. I've never heard of noisms. I don't plan to educate myself in this regard.

    Keep writing the good write, Alexis.

  2. What should we expect from the guy whose handle implies a lack of (and disdain for) "distinctive practices, systems, or philosophies, typically political ideologies or artistic movements?"

    It's like he chose the name as a freshman in college, laboring under the disillusionment of being exposed to "isms" for the first time in his life.

  3. Not to worry, Haggis,

    I have an excellent post coming. And I am happily seeing Captain Marvel today.


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