Sunday, May 11, 2014

How to Play a Character & Other Essays

My first pocket book of the summer is available:

To remind the gentle reader, I've put this out in order to help raise capital for my upcoming venture to be released this July, How to Run: an Advanced Guide to Managing Role-playing Games.

The small book above is 114 pages and will cost only $9.  It contains cleaned up content from this blog, along with a new essay about the State of D&D (which is different from the similarly titled post on the blog). 

I'm sorry there's no preview yet.  I'll work on it later today.  And I'll try to set up an e-book before Friday comes around.

Give me a hand, kick in to help me raise money and get a fine book in the process.


  1. Bought it. Good luck with the fundraising, Alexis :).

  2. Can't wait for this one to arrive in the mail! It'll whet my appetite nicely for the real deal...

  3. Hello Alexis !

    Could you notify us when it'll be available as an e-book too ? Thanks !

    Damn, can't wait ...

  4. Ditto. I really shouldn't be ordering more physical books just before I'm moving. Just say the word when you have the ebook and you'll have my money.

  5. Alexis, I bought the paper back of your book from lulu. I bought it in order to fund your further writings including your larger book coming out for DM's. I figure that I have spent dozens, if not hundreds of hours reading through your blog. You provide all of this content on your blog to me for free, by yourself. Considering what it costs for an hour of entertainment these days (i.e. a 7 hour long video game costs $60, a 2 hour movie costs $5-$12) I figure $9 is a small show of support for the multitude of hours you put into this blog.

    I was not surprised that I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book either. I needed to read it, or rather my players needed me to read it. I wish it was out a year ago. Having spent countless hours reading old blog posts to catch up to current posts. The book is a $9.00 option. It is a concise codification of so many posts about how to be a better player.

    I like the bound format thrice as much as the blog format. Less distraction and noise + more polish = more enjoyable. When reading the book, I realized that the worst part about this blog is we the commentors and detractors. I like hearing what you have to say without it being muddled by the minutia and smell of blogger on blogger debate. It takes too long and the debate rises to the surface and disintegrates into putrefied scum while the important sediment, that makes us better at gaming, sinks to the bottom. I appreciate you pumping it out and binding it into a book. As for us commentors, we are a selfish murder of crows, and there is still meat produces on this blog. Hopefully my fellow murderers can pick at the meat to strengthen our game and not just pick for sport. True to my nature, you'll get no apology from me the next time I comment.

    When is the next book coming out?

  6. Early July. I am shooting for six weeks from today. I am slamming through the third draft; I've been lapse in handing out proofreading that's been offered, but that's starting to change.

    Please, Barrow, write what you have on the Lulu site! I live on reviews. That is as valuable to me as the price of the book.

    Thank you much for your response. I am glad to know the short book has impact.

  7. I've already written a review, but under a fake name.

  8. I bought the book, read it and loved it.
    Although this did not profited you especially, I think it was worth the cost to make it come to Europe.

    I would love to post a review on Lulu but I can't seem to find how...

    Anyway, can't wait to get the new book.
