Saturday, June 16, 2018

Working ...

I just want to drop a note to say that I'm working on the masterclass post for mid-June and should have that post up by tomorrow.   I want to give it my best effort and I am rethinking some of the ideas inside the content.

I'm also preparing for a podcast I've been invited on, that's being recorded tomorrow.  I'll keep the reader posted on that, of course.

This is just a matter of several things coming together at the same time, making my mid-June somewhat pressed for time.  Rest assured, the content is coming.

In the meantime, as I met a player of D&D who had not seen the D&D content that appeared on Sixty Minutes in the 1980s, I offer this:


  1. Never actually watched the whole thing before...

    Very interesting that they chose to run a piece about a predatory psychiatrist right after a piece about the psychological impact of playing a game.

    Must be coincidence. Media wouldn't try to steer the narrative like that, now would they?

  2. Can't watch the video at work, but I did have enough time to check the masterclass blog three times today hoping for the new post. While I'd rather have the post up, getting a progress report is kinda like a hit of methadone. I can make it one more day... just one more day...


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