Saturday, August 12, 2023

Nutrition & the Preparation of Food

For those who are interested, I've completed the rewrite of "Nutrition & the Preparation of Food" for the Authentic Wiki, removing it at last from the old wiki.  This makes it the 11th longest page on the wiki.


  1. Fantastic!

    How does this complement the Cooking/Cuisine sage abilities?

  2. Once you have a set of rules, you can give individuals with sage abilities different bonuses on account. For example, to make anything better than "chow," say, requires one to be an amateur cook (10 knowledge). "Head cook" requires 30 knowledge and "gastronome" requires 60. "Chef" was not a word used before the 19th century. Thus it takes a cook to make nosh and savory, it takes a head cook to make tasty through piquant and it takes a gastronome to make something mouthwatering or ambrosia.

    The cooking (sage ability) page needs to be updated to explain this, which is easy now since much of what's on that page has been shifted to the page I wrote today.


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