Thursday, January 5, 2023

Easter Egg

Here's an interactive thorp generator.  Easy to build.  You can find the link at the bottom of the thorp page.

I've added a second sheet for the communal hamlet.  Overall, this seems a better approach than putting together a filter page for the facilities page.  But I should still add a table there.


Another sheet has been added for the bailey hamlet, which is only partially described on the wiki.  This new sheet includes the carter postbakery and granary, which makes a large impact on the nature of a small hamlet's population.  I'll work more on the bailey hamlet, but I'm fighting against a bad cold at present.  Feeling better this evening than I did this morning.  The wiki also includes a description for the "timbered," or half-timbered house.


  1. This'll be great fun to use! And it helps communicate the concept interactively.

  2. Hip hip hooray for any and all interactive versions of your work! Good one, Alexis.
