Tuesday, December 29, 2020

So Long, 2020

End of the year and I must add that December has been a trip.  I intend to continue the series on NPCs, but I'd like to add a few diary notes, since it's late on the 29th.

I regret to say to some that I'm in a very good place just now.  I've watched the world burn down too, watched the American legal and political system tumble and watched the horror of covid's rise.  I'm in the midst of the worst outbreak in Canada, for pretty much the same ignorant reasons why there's a big outbreak in other reactionary parts.  Alberta is not a forward thinking province in Canada; it's full of people who made their money in raw material resources and agriculture, who possess that same dumbfuck maverick perspective that makes them feel untouchable.  But though I am amidst them, I don't leave my house more often than once a week to buy groceries—and thankfully, that's one place in the city where the rule of law is followed.  If people start congregating, the groceries have been supplied with an alarm and if someone presses it, the cops show up and will break it up.  Thank blazes.

I haven't gotten sick, nor has any friend or acquaintance I know directly.  I have several friends who would be very susceptible to the disease, but they're ensconced just like me.  And so, though covid's a nightmare, my people are bearing up so far.  Thankfully, there's a vaccine available now for anyone who might be hospitalized with it, so that in a month we should see a real fall in fatalities.

No, my news is of a different sort.  Back in early August, I was in a bad place with regards to the blog; I spent most of that month in meditation.  Some here might recall.  And some might have thought ol' Alexis had finally slipped a gear.  But truthfully, I've felt a lot better about blogging and about my message.  I feel sorted out, as though I'd turned a corner.  I've had three surprises this month with donations; Jack I've thanked already, but I'd like to thank Ed and Tom as well.  Their contributions were sincerely generous.

And since I'm here, I'd like to give a solid thanks to Carl, whose had a rough year of it in Wisconsin.  Hang in there Carl, you've been my rock for a long time.  I'd like to reach out to Wandrille too, and James H.  Thank you fellows.  Vlad, I never fail to appreciate your comments when I receive them; and Walter E., shake my hand.  I'm looking at you too, Laughing Lunatic, and Andrea, whose silent strength has been there for a couple of years now.  Robert, that was a truly great thing you did for me back in February; I haven't forgotten it.  Shelby U., thanks for your help with the wiki this year; at least we got it off the ground, though there's a lot of work there.  And Shelby M. too, along with Alejandro and Carl again, thanks for putting up with my meanness regarding the wiki.  Ellie, take a hug; we'll get the online game started again soon.  Jon L., Tim out there in Toronto, Chris R. and David B., you all feel good about yourselves.  I hope you and everyone else has had a good Christmas.  C.Angus, I haven't heard from you in ages; MPSpence, Jon R. and Elizabeth, you three have a Happy New Year.  Sterling is probably at sea; Deadly, I have no idea where you are, you ought to drop a line sometime.  Dusk, I see you there too.  And Recueillir ... sorry, I'm cutting Twitter out of my life, so I've stopped seeing you there.  To everyone else, and there are just too many to name, please believe me when I say that you've been great to me.  From the bottom of my heart I thank you.

I feel that 2021 is going to go very well.  Patreon is up, I've got an odd consulting gig going and a friend of mine has suggested he might be retiring and that some of his office equipment could find its way into my study.  It looks like I might be able to upgrade to a new neighbourhood in Calgary sometime in May or June, with more space and, hopefully, an end to restaurant work (at last).  Its the first time I've feel sincerely destressed since early 2015.

Be well, all.  I'll probably write another post before the end of 2020.  For those in the campaign, I'll remind you we'll be starting up again Monday, if you're willing.


  1. Best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year for you and yours, Alexis! Thanks for doing what you do!
    : )

  2. Happy New Year Alexis! Thank you for all the great and inspiring work in 2020. Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us in 2021!

  3. Hello Alexis,

    Although I'm very late in reading this, it warms me nonetheless, and I'm sincerely sorry for not having done so far before.
    I'm happy to see that you were doing great at this time, and I hope you're still going well now. I know you've written much since, and I'm avidly, albeit slowly, going through it.
    A lovely, cherished ordeal that I finally got to do.

    I missed you far more then I thought ...

  4. Vlad,

    Things are going well. Tamara and I have fantasized recently about making some kind of trip to Europe in 2-3 years, if things hold together. We'd like to get an apartment of some kind, in a central location, for maybe a month (but preferably not through Air B&B). We've considered Spain, Italy, Greece and Germany. For where we'd like to go in Germany/Switzerland, a place like Maastrict, Liege, Basel or Strasbourg would be perfect.

    That's assuming the bottom doesn't fall out, which it almost always does ... but 2024 is far enough away to give us time to prepare.

  5. That's great news, I'm glad you're in such a good place to have this kind of fantasy / plans, and hope you'll be able to make it happen !

    I've no particular country to advise among those, things are quite up in the air now, but hopefully it'll be better then. Maybe even without too much of a global warmed summer -_^ .

    Take care.
