Tuesday, January 24, 2012


The contest is very simple.
All persons will play at the same time.  Because my comments are on moderate, each person can comment on this post with their choice.  All persons will have a chance to comment before I publish all results for each round.  Your first choice will be the only one I will accept - subsequent choices in a particular round will be ignored.  It might be possible to finish this in one round, or it may take several.

To repeat.  You, the players, will write one word on a comment: say, "scissors."  When all persons have written one word (or willingly bowed out), I will publish and declare the winners for that round.  Remaining winners will then compete in following rounds, if these are needed.

Calculating results:

The choice with the largest number of proponents will wipe out those one step down from that choice.  Left over persons will survive, with the winners, to the next round.

Example: Three persons choose 'rock'; one person chooses 'scissors' and one person chooses 'paper.'  In that round, rock destroys scissors, so that person is out.  Both those who chose rock and that one who chose paper will survive to the next round.

If there the largest number occurs for two different choices, then the superior choice will destroy the other; left over persons will survive.

Example:  Two persons choose 'rock' and two persons choose 'paper'; one person chooses 'scissors.'  Paper will destroy rock, so those two persons are out; those choosing paper and scissors will survive to the next round.

If the largest group fails to kill anyone, then the second largest group will have considered to have killed all persons in the largest group.

Example:  Four persons choose 'rock'; no one chooses 'scissors;' one person chooses 'paper.'  In this round, the one person choosing paper destroys the four people choosing rock.

If all persons make the same choice, or if an equal number of players makes each of the three choices, then the round is void and repeated again.

Example:  Everyone chooses 'rock.'  The round is played over.

Example:  With three persons left, one person each chooses 'rock,' 'scissors' and 'paper.'  The round is played over.

If one person is chosen without having designated a second person, those still surviving will play for the second position.

If for some reason Alexis accidentally publishes some results too early, due to the nature of blogger, that round is void and will be played over.

Rounds are played until there is one final winner and one final loser.  This may not be completed today.  Please note, there is a hole in the middle of my day when I will be unavailable.

I will continue to publish comments which do not contain results.  If I have missed something in my logic above, please inform me immediately, and I will rule.

JB, Imon Fyre, Oddbit, Wickedmurph, Arduin ...

You may begin.


  1. Spock??

    jk, official answer : scissors

  2. Sorry, didn't even see you were running a contest for another player until just now.

    I'm rooting for Oddbit, since his blog is the only one I'm familiar with out of the other competitors. I've enjoyed reading his accounts of his own campaign. A bit late for my endorsement, I'm afraid.

  3. SCISSORS! (Might as well start sharp)

  4. Arduin said yesterday that he would be gone all day; he also said he might get a proxy. I haven't yet received word of any proxy, though I did send him email last night stressing that he should get one. I did not get a response back. I might be responding differently if I had.

    I'm afraid with this much competition, and a desire to sort it out as quickly as possible, I'm going to have to rule Arduin out. I am very sorry about that. But I do need players who can adjust to unusual circumstances ... and disappearing one day a week will be a problem.

  5. So, according to the arrangements above, the two scissors from Imon and Oddbit cut out Wickedmurph. JB is left out and also survives.

    My condolences, Wickedmurph.

    Imon Fyre, Oddbit, JB - it is time to play ROUND TWO.

  6. Rock on sirs. Rock on. (Rock)

    I appreciate the recognition Nine-Toes, I really do. Thank you.

  7. It is annoying, Wickedmurph, but for entirely different reasons.

    JB, Imon, Oddbit ... you picked one of each. So all three of you, try again please.

  8. Scissors. Because I refuse to pick paper until I am also supplied with a pen.

  9. Two scissors, I'm afraid, cuts out Imon Fyre.

    My condolences, sir. Apparently, paper is a dangerous choice.

    This just leaves Oddbit and JB. You both play against each other, then ... to determine the player and first alternate.

  10. I tried to play the reverse psycology game, and it bit me in the ass...

    I wish you gents a good game, I will try to get in on the campaign again in the future if Alexis has a spot open.

  11. Rock, I choose you!

    The suspense is killing me. Should I have chosen paper to play reverse psychology? Should I maintain the pattern? Will we just tie repeatedly?

  12. Hehe...


    Steady as she goes...

  13. Scissors

    Here's hoping he doesn't go rock again...

  14. You will both want to begin with this post here. JB, I'll get you in as soon as you're up and ready; Oddbit, you'll have to wait and see what happens with Silvius.

    Better that you direct your questions to the comments page of the linked post; I'll be available for about twenty more minutes, then I'll check in throughout the evening.

  15. Good game all. Most intense Rock Paper Scissors since I tried LARPing as an NPC enemy back in college.

  16. Well done all. Bummer to be disqualified, but them's the breaks.

    Lookin' forward to your exploits!

  17. I would have gladly played with any of you guys. Welcome aboard JB.
