Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Campaign: A Gathering At The Pig

It is about four bells in the afternoon when Tiberius, Delfig, Kazimir and Anshelm all find themselves together at the Pig. They have spent a short time sorting themselves out, explaining their experiences to one another, making a quick examination of their equipment (left in Helmunt's care) and settled down for an ale (3 s.p. each, fellows, if you want one).

Please, talk among yourselves.


  1. (OOC: What do our characters know about ghouls?)

  2. Tiberius will send the message at this time. Afterwards, he will settle down to an ale.

    "This sounds like an interesting opportunity, friends. Just the sort of thing I was hoping for!" He drinks down a gulp of ale.

    (OOC: 3 sp deducted for ale.)

  3. Anshelm orders an ale for himself.

    "Indeed, the pay is very good, and our being vouched for at the guild will pay dividends, as well."

    In a rare show of good humor, Anshelm raises his mug in a toast to his companions.

  4. In turn, I take Anshelm and Kazimir to a more private area and give each the 75gp share of the gold I collected from Hornung.

    I clap Kazimir on the shoulder - "Thank you, my friend, for being there in the tower and on the wall. If it were not for you, I think I'd be dead."

    Back at the table:
    "I'm more interested in the availability of living quarters that we can lock and call our own. Perhaps whilst a couple of us go to investigate this "ghoul" hunting, someone could accompany me to the manse to fulfill a final request of Herr Hornung's? Then I and he could go check out the availability of the living space?"

  5. Anshelm's eyes light up when he sees the gold. He says he'd be happy to accompany Delfig.

    "About digs," he says, "I think I know where we might find lodgings..."

  6. In the hall: Kazimir grunts and says "Be more careful next time," to Delfig. A smile briefly peeks through his dour expression, but he quickly forces his features back into their usual grimace.

    At the table: "Aye, we know of a landlord who recently found himself without tenant. Do we really want to settle in Dachau? I've a mind to say we have enemies here."

  7. I look curiously at Kazimir "Why do you say that? I wasn't aware that we had any troubles, save the possibility that Herr Meyer may bear ill winds. I'm not sure I feel safe enough to travel, with the skulks and shapeshifters possibly still around to cause trouble. Better safety in numbers until we can see if there are more attacks? I'd hate to leave for no reason."

  8. As though beckoned, Tiberius receives word of Herr Meyer. He's dead. Killed during the attack.

  9. "Well there's one mystery solved, and one less potential enemy," says Anshelm.

  10. Kazimir shurggs at the news of Meyer's death.
    "Mayhaps Dachau isn't such a bad place," Kazimir says, "'Least no worse than many a place I've been."

    Kazimir considers ordering an ale, but changes his mind.

    "We've finally got some coin in our pockets, lads." He says with uncharacteristic cheer.

  11. Beyond possibly resting tomorrow (and thus gaining back hit points), what would anyone like to do?

  12. Go to the church at first possible chance and avail myself of the 17gp CLWs, as many as to bring me to full health, please? Then I would head out to the manse to seek out Friar Jan, with any who wish to accompany me.

  13. Sounds like a capital idea.

  14. The church is unable to heal your wounds; half the city is in need of what the few clerics can provide, and it is not on a first-come first-serve basis (which you would have missed anyway). Only those personally recognized by the church will be healed, for at least a week.

    I should also add that healing salve is not to be found.

  15. Heh. You answered my next question.

    "My friends, it occurs to me that the battle has left me severely wounded. I think I will wait and heal before heading out - I'm still concerned with the skulks and shape changers."

  16. "Agreed. I could do with a bit of rest, myself. We can head out when we've refreshed."

  17. Standard healing is 1 hp per day of complete rest, + constitution bonus at the end of a week. Thus, if your constitution were 16, you would heal 9 hp per week.

    I'm not quite the policeman the book is. I will accept healing provided you don't travel while loaded with equipment, nor more than three miles; and if you don't participate in combat.

    Thus, everyone has 1 hp more at the end of Thursday than they had.

  18. "Then perhaps we can check out this apartment that you are talking about, and take it easy."

  19. Anshelm agrees to Delfig's suggestion.

    (OOC: how long do we need until friend bard is good to go?)

  20. I'm at 3. I don't have a CON bonus available. I would prefer to be at 9 or 10 before heading out. So about a week of little activity.

  21. It is Thursday, May the 8th as you discuss this. Can we assume that the party agrees to rest until the 14th, in order for hit points to be restored? If so, I will begin a new post along that theme.

    Sorry about not posting this question before Monday; I presumed people were gone the end of last week anyway, and I let myself get distracted by other posting.

  22. (OOC: I'm good with that.)

  23. I'm recovering from a weekend camping trip (not as young as I used to be!) and a slight cold, so I've been quiet for today.

    That sounds like exactly what I hoped would happen, so we'll pick it up on the 14th.
