Monday, January 27, 2025


No matter how you arrange the rules of a society, there will always be one person who figures that things ought to work in such a way that their going to jail can't be right — even when they're playing Monopoly.


  1. "I would rather be insulted by a man I respect, than be complemented by one I don't."

  2. I'm just trying to wake you up, James. D&D has been suffused, drowned, gutted by the argument you made... the insistance that there must always be some fantasy element that takes away the consequences that the game needs in order to be fundamentally valuable.

    Characters should, by the numbers, be more likely to fail than to succeed. This compels characters to win not by random die rolls, but by working together, strategising, overcoming the limitations of the die's preset shortcoming. They should NOT be able to win by simply handwaving away the consequences. That's not game play.

    But like I said, this has RUINED D&D, to the point where I am effectively embarrassed to be associated with these people.

  3. Sigh. You know what? It is easier to miss a football that's thrown at you on a football field than it is to catch it.
