Tuesday, December 24, 2024

In this Holiday Time...

Merry Christmas to all.

Found the above roaster in a second-hand shop five months ago and I am so looking forward to cooking a turkey in it tomorrow.  The cost was $5.  Canadian.  It will be the first time I've had a roasting pan of my own; used a few in various restaurants of the year, but oh, won't it be lovely not to rely upon a flimsy aluminum foil pan, or pick tin foil wrapping from the meat and bones when every bit of turkey is gleaned after the "easy meat" is cut away.

I know I've gone quiet these last four weeks.  I've been here, I haven't been especially busy.  I'm not stuck on the story surrounding getting the children into Qitai and I'm not injured or otherwise distressed.  I think, honestly, sometimes... a creative person just has to step back from the work and take a sabbatical.  Christmas was a good time to do it, but I didn't plan to do it.  Just happened.  Merely a matter of my head coming back around to these things, while in the meantime I rest, relax, pursue some vanity projects and enjoy life.  

So at this time of Saturnalia, when the sun hits bottom and starts to climb its way out, when the winter is half gone, on the verge of all the work and unbalance that the holidays bring before the holidays begin, let me wish you all a happy, merry, memorable holiday.  I wish for your fortunes to change if they need to do so, for your ills to subside, for reconciliations to be made well, and for you to give of yourself, to others AND yourself, that you may have the strength, the well-being and the inner joy to face 2025 as a person who needs only life to be happy.

Merry Christmas.

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