Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Contents Thus Far

Sorry to do this, but as things become available, I'm going to tempt my reader.

Here's a content page of the headings I've added since beginning the Streetvendor's Guide, 45 days ago:

Pity I couldn't complete the page.  The page numbers are subject to change, as they've been collected prior to editing, and prior to the addition of any images that would move the pages forward.  The numbers also count the inclusion of title pages, not counting the outside or inside cover.

Oops, I'm sorry.  If anyone's confused, these are all subjects I've already written up.


  1. I'm glad to see everything coming along, this is a hugely anticipated book for me. I plan on getting this and bolting onto pretty much any game I wind up in ever after as far as I'm concerned.

  2. Indeed. I've found that if you have a page of 30-50 items to buy, the players only think of those items. If you have 300-400 items to buy, the players realize that they can buy almost anything they can think of. It might be harder to find, in a specific market, or need to be commissioned. But, I, too, have found that a broad list inspires more than it limits.

  3. Ha! Thanks, this was a good teaser, I spent a little time looking at this zoomed up. It's a great amount of work for just 45 days, especially given the amount of research that would be involved.

  4. I appreciate greatly that I'm putting out pages that show the work is solid and provocative. Saying that I'm writing 900 words a day and proving those words aren't fluff matters a lot to me.

  5. I'll second Pandred's sentiment! I can't wait to have a copy of this book in my hands. All the work I've seen on it so far has left me floored.
