Sunday, August 16, 2020

Game Wiki Good to Go

Hello.  The campaign wiki has been set up.  It is located here:

All four players should have received your passwords and user names.  The wiki should be populating throughout the globe, though I understand this may take between 3-24 hours for overseas, so do not worry if you can't get on yet.

Ask questions here or on the wiki, as you like.


  1. I haven't yet received my info. Just letting you know (as you say, might take a bit to propagate through the ether).

  2. I realize there is going to be some issue with the new format, but I do feel that this is a space I am able to control better than the blog, which does not let me or anyone else edit their content after posting.

  3. Alexis, please be sure at some point to let us passive observers know about how you guys plan to use the wiki so we can follow along and not miss any of the action!
