Monday, August 5, 2019

New Blog Doing Well

I've had a number of well-meaning individuals tell me that in advertising my new blog, I should write half posts here as teasers.  Click the link and read the rest of the blog post on the Higher Path.

I did try that when I was writing the MasterClass blog.  I'm not convinced it worked and at the time I felt it was something of a dick move.  I don't much like it myself when I start reading something only to find it isn't all there.  So I've decided not to do this again.

I've written 15 posts on the new blog to date.  The content is clearer, I think, being much less concerned with selling myself ~ as I'm having to do now.  There's no reason to, as everyone there is already buying.  There's no need of moderating the comments.  I can talk straight on the subjects that interest me without having to cater to the lowest common denominator.

I encourage you to spend $3 and try it out.

1 comment:

  1. Hello All,

    I can't speak for others, but having pure, undiluted (or less diluted) Alexis thought products, that's a boon.

    I love it.
