Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Druidical Amateur Sage Abilities

I haven't been able to put up a list like this since January 4th.  Apparently, these things take a lot of time.  But, at last, I've finished these druidic abilities.  This would have to include just about everything most druids would be interested in - so even if you don't like the system, even if you have no use for these skills as 'rules,' surely a few players can see in here ways to further develop their druid's relationship to the real world.

I know my players have been anxiously awaiting for this list to be put up.

As ever, please let me know of any links that don't work.  I am still in the process of adding backlinks to many of these pages to make the wiki easier to navigate.

Aid Rest: increases hit points restored from rest.
Arboriculture: identification of genera and species of shrubs on sight.
Assay: identify type of mineral or gemstone and measure the physical and value content of metal in rock.
Avian Behaviour I: allows limited prediction of a bird's attack and movement in birds of semi-intelligence or less.
Beekeeping: ability to keep colonies of bees in order to produce honey and encourage pollination.
Binding Wounds: improves skill at ending hit point damage caused by wounds.
Birdwatching: the practice of seeking for and observing birds, gaining skill in their identification.
Control Golem: seize control of rampant or threatening golems for as many rounds as possible.
Cultivate Ferns & Mosses: gather plant material sufficient for making essential oils, soap, tonics or dye.
Cultivate Mushroom: grow fungi of any variety.
Detect Land: gives reasonable expectation of finding land from the observation of birds at sea.
Detect Slime: improves forewarning through scent recognition of puddings, oozes and jellies when they approach.
Diagnose & Treat Farmyard Disease: identifies a disease affecting a domestic animal's health; provides basic treatment.
Distill Liquids: purify or concentrate a variety of non-magical liquids.
Domestic Brewing: allows the fabrication of ales and beer for consumption.
Dowse for Water: a type of divination employed in a locating ground water.
Farming: provides knowledge into the process of ploughing and tending land in preparation for grain harvesting.
Floriculture: knowledge of the names of genera and species of flowers, with the ability to grow those locally appropriate.
Horseshoeing: care of the equine's hoof, including the trimming and balancing and the placing of shoes.
Identify Amphibians & Reptiles: knowledge of naturally scaly creatures and the dangers they present.
Identify Bugs & Spiders: knowledge of naturally insectoid creatures and the dangers they present.
Identify Earths: gives a name for naturally occurring substances and liquids.
Identify Mammal: knowledge of creatures within the chosen mammalian order and the dangers they present.
Identify Sea Life: knowledge of creatures within the chosen sea life order and the dangers they present.
Identify Slime: allows distinction between different forms (jelly, ooze, slime, etc.) and species, enabling knowledge of the danger presented.
Insect Behaviour I: allows limited prediction of a bug or spider's attack and movement in insects of semi-intelligence or less.
Know Bioregion: identify common animals and creatures dwelling within the surrounded locus.
Know Fungi: identify name of genera and species of fungi on sight; recognize edible from poisonous mushrooms.
Land Suitability: recognizes land value and offers techniques to provide higher yields.
Locate Self: precisely determine location within locus once features of the landscape can be observed.
Locus Infrastructure: gives knowledge of the infrastructure and layout of the surrounded locus.
Mammal Behaviour I: allows limited prediction of a mammal's attack and movement in mammals of semi-intelligence or less.
Mandragora: allows the animation of the mandrake root.
Mistletoe I: allows the cultivation of mistletoe, with attention to cutting sprigs and proper harvest.
Mushroom Hunt: know when and where to search for edible or poisonous mushrooms in a wild environment.
Navigation: setting a course over land or sea, derived from the position of the sun or stars.
Predict Emergence: foretells the impending appearance of a creature swimming up through the water, about to break the surface.
Prepare Ingestive Poisons: enables the manufacture of poisons that must be imbibed to be effective.
Prospecting: identify a likely outcrop for the production of base metals, with knowledge of how best to exploit a tell-tale sign or 'show' in the rock.
Protective Bracken: allows the character to seek protection from fern growths.
Pruning: allows for the intensive improvement of shrubs by cutting away superfluous or undesired growth.
Reading Tides: knowledge of tides, currents and eddies along sea and lake shores, largely by observation and the feel of the water.
Recognize Heavens: ability to identify individual stars, constellations, planets and other phenomenon.
Sailing: the management of a vehicle on the surface of the water, driven by wind, with rigging, rudder and keel.
Scaly Behaviour I: allows limited prediction of an amphibian or reptile's attack and movement in creatures of semi-intelligence or less.
Seek Bedstead: an ability to find a bank of sylvan moss, that it might be slept upon to gain from its magical qualities.
Smelt Natural Metals: smelt and purify metals that can be derived from ordinary ores or coarse nuggets.
Swimming: provides the character with the basic ability to swim.
Sylvics: identification of genera and species of trees on sight.
Timesense: estimate the time of day, give or take a period of thirty minutes.
Vegetable Gardening: enables valued ability in growing distinctive vegetable and tuber crops.
Woodcutting: skill at selecting and cutting timber to sustain a forest while drawing it's resources.

Fighter next.  I'll be talking about that in the next week.


  1. I am so jealous of your players!

    Can't wait to see the fighter material.

  2. This is great, wonderful resource for anyone trying to bring life to what Druid does on the day to day. I appreciate all the non-combat flavor here. Several of these grouped together would make for excellent kits in really defining the type of Druid you could play. Saving this and excited to see more of the same.

  3. Alexis you made a bunch of images afew years ago that listed all the druid's PLant Life studies out, al the way up to sage level.

    I can't find those despite digging and digging thru this blog, the old wiki, and higher path. The Web Archive doesn't show them on the old-old wiki either (tao-dnd.wikispaces). Do you know what posts those are in?

    new player is joining, playing a druid, and as a phd student in botany he's very excited about having his player possess in-game knowledge/abilities related to plants.

  4. Yeah, they're in a blog called Tao's Work. I'll go make it active for you.

  5. Byoooootiful, thank you! Memory did not fail me, these are still damn good.
